Sign up form is being Spammed by Russian IP addresses

About 1 week ago we started receiving a huge amount of SPAM to our email sign up form. It is coming from Russian IP addresses . Is there anyway these can be blocked by Infusionsoft as they are low value networks?

(The Russian translation of the sign up Вам Подарок! is ‘Gift to you!’ Below is the type of sign up information we are receiving (and they need to tick a check box to complete the form):

The following information was provided:

First Name ВАМ ПОДАРОК! -
Last Name ВАМ ПОДАРОК! -

Thanks in advance.

I’ve seen two different ways to solve this, both have their advantages and nuances - but you can check them out and pick the one that is a better fit for you.


They’re both paid tools (though they might have free trials), but they’re produced and supported by reputable Infusionsoft Partners, and I’ve seen positive testimonials from users of both.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve been getting hammered with Russian spam submissions to my site, too. Do you know what the goal of these spammers is?

Thanks Greg, we’ll look into both of them.