Zoom integration with Infusionsfot

I am trying to get Zoom to communicate with Infusionsoft.
My problem is that contact field _WebinarJoinLink was deleted in my system before and when creating new contact field Infusionsoft is creating automatically _WebinarJoinLink0, _WebinarJoinLink1 etc…
Does anybody has the solution for this problem?


I never needed to use that field. Try it without using it.

I just set up a Send HTTP Post in my campaign.

Then include the zoom info like this.

Once they register in IS, we use zoom to send the confirmation and reminders.

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Hi Nora,
thank you for your answer and your help.
I guess you were not using Infusionsoft to send confirmation emails and join links to registrants.
My issue is that not all of my clients speak english (yes that happens too) :slight_smile:
So I tried to avoid registering people through general Zoom mailing system.

In any case I appreciate your help.
Kind regards