Wepay check.js port scan?

Infusionsoft cart now spawns the following errors in the console - why does this occur? This is at the infusionsoft shopping cart - not the infusionsoft itself.

The origin of these checks is t dot wepay dot com /fp/check.js

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss:// check.js:25:164

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss:// check.js:25:164

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss:// check.js:25:164

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss:// check.js:25:164

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss:// check.js:25:164

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss:// check.js:25:164

etc - forum rules prevent me from adding the rest.

I’ve actually seen similar happen for years. The actual question then would be, is the form failing to submit or are you just seeing this and wondering why?