Text to Join

A business associate tells me he uses Constant Contact and loves their secret weapon for building email lists called the “Text To Join” tool.

As he says…

…just like Frank’s Hot Sauce…“I put that sh#t on everything”. Give it a try…and see how easy this is.

Example: Joy Brown, has her annual girl’s trip

Anyway…because Joy makes the reservations…hers is the only email address that he has

with Text To Join on the back of my business cards etc he is able to add others to the list

What is the best way in infusionsoft to do the same thing

FixYourFunnel has the functionality to let people text a keyword to a # and end up in your Infusionsoft, tagged the way you want. In fact, it can ask follow-up questions to get their first name, last, email, etc.

It’s pretty cool.

Thanks for the info Jason

LeadPages has a text to join functionality that integrates with Infusionsoft as well