Syn Calendar to outlook

I see that Infusionsoft only syncs with outlook for 30 days ahead, anything past this date does not come across - is there plans to change this?
We have to share our outlook calendars with managers and other department heads. the calendar shows us available when in fact we may have several appointments in calendar past that 30 days so syn up to 90 days would prove beneficial.
Can you advise
thank you

What plans are there in improve the Calendar screen with infusionsoft as its not the easiest or nicest to look at?

Hi Leighton. I have shared this feedback with the team. I know we are working on some enhancements to the way you are able to sync data, with more coming soon, so I wanted to be sure that this need for longer sync ranges was heard.

Hi James, Can I ask what updates have been made since september around the Sync and tasks can these be time based tasks rather than just popping in our diary. For example a task for me could be spending 4 hours working on a report and I would want it to show as 4 hours is this possible without being entered as appointment!!!

Hi @Leighton_Davies,

Just curious. This question is suddenly coming up an in-proportionate amount lately. Is there something that might explain why (not just you but so many others) you have honed in on this one?

Currently as it stands we are unable to only use infusionsoft as our main diary as it’s untidy and not user friendly as it does not allow us to colour code our activities, appointment etc so we are still having to use outlook. The problem is infusionsoft only syncs 30 days at a time. Ideally we need the sync to be for a much longer period as when making appointments etc we have to check both calendars.

Hope this makes sence.