Searching contact by phone number in XML-RPC

we are using xml-rpc api documentation, we want to know can we search through phone number as of now i can see search contacts through email alone. is there any way to search through mobile number in xml-rpc.

There is but it’s not directly implemented with the api. I actually just setup this for another client. It involves ‘sanitizing’ the phone field whenever a contact is created or updated to ensure that all phone fields are uniformly formatted. Meaning, the same number (123) 456-7890 is not the same as 1234567890 when preforming a search. Then using the api to search according to the standardized format.

Regarding this i need exactly like some end point or search api to check the any contact existing with that particular phone number. do we have any thing like that in infusion soft by Keap xml-rpc way or Keap rest api

one more question, if in case i am giving standardised formate for the phone number can we get avail any api for phone number search