Running total of number of times the same note is applied

Is there any way to create an automatic running total of how many times the same note is applied to a contact? We want to create a report that shows how many times a specific note is applied to each contact on a monthly basis.

What do you mean by “the same note”…by wording/formatting? template? What does that actually mean?

The same note template

There is a task/note report under admin/reports and it does list by template and contact…and you could use custom statistics on your dashboard to count the totals of one or the other but not both…so a list by template count AND contact wouldn’t work…

The only way I could see doing this is by using the REST HOOKS to add to counters when a template is used (to maintain the count) and then a ‘by contact by count’ might be possible…plus this does have a counter function but I’m not sure it can be triggered on a note template…but then again, if there aren’t too many of them, you might be able to do that in campaign builder with the plus this counter function…

Did you ever figure this out??