Practice Fusion Integration

Hi, is it possible to integrate Practice Fusion with Infusionsoft?

Yes, given that they have an api, it would be quite possible. There are a number of requirements involved that must conform to HIPPA that are code/programming related as well as server related and those would be the highest importance. From the ‘is it possible’ lever, however, categorically yes. There is no out of the box way but it is something that developers can definitely create.

They only offer APIs for labs, imaging, and billing (Developer Center). I’ve contacted their support several times and was told there is no way to integrate with Infusionsoft at this time.

Ok, so let’s define our terms then. What do you personally mean when you speak of integrating with Infusionsoft. Don’t worry about what they tell you. They may be right, but I’ve seen companies say this and actually mean they didn’t have it themselves (remember, it’s all about them lol)