Pass "contact info" thru Campaigns

I found this topic interesting, granted that I may have miss understood the set up to some degree, here’s what I did and found to be true. For all three funnels the contact remained in the proper sequence on each form submission and completed the funnel.

I setup a campaign w/ three funnels:

This is done in my Sandbox account, and I’ve provided URLs to the Entry Forms:

  1. Web Form submitted → Sequence → Landing Page Submitted → Sequence → Tag Goal
    Web Form submitted - Powered by Keap

Funnel 1 w/ the checkbox checked to pass the contact data did in fact auto populate the form on the next Landing Page Submitted UI

  1. Web Form submitted → Sequence → Web Form submitted → Sequence → Tag Goal
    Web Form submitted - Powered by Keap

Funnel 2 w/ the checkbox checked to pass the contact data did in fact auto populate the form on the next Web Form submitted UI

  1. Landing Page → Sequence → Landing Page → Sequence → Tag Goal

Funnel 3 does NOT provide the option to pass the contact data and does not auto populate the form on the next page, BUT using the same email address the contact completed the funnel and move to the Step 2 sequence and subsequently exited the funnel as defined.

Yes, you are correct in your findings, @Marion_Dorsett. As long as you are passing contact details from an email link to an Infusionsoft hosted web form or landing page (except for the new landing page builder which does not pass details yet as your found) the fields in the accepting web form or landing page will be populated.

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