Keap Gateway e-commerce

Why is Keap forcing user to switch gateway.
They make out its for better user experience and security.
The truth is the are getting a kick back from your turnover.
At present my with Sage Pay
I have no alternative other than to use Nexus as my gateway which will increases my yearly charges by 1% cost which is an extra £5000 pound a year .
Keap get the the lion’s share of this extra cosy as a kick back from Nexus. Other gateway providers take even a large cut of you turnover.
Ive been with Infusionsoft / keap for over 10 years and used SagePay as my gateway.

Things are tough enough with Covid 19 . Keap/ Infusionsoft do not offer a fair price alternative

They just want to line their pockets and are not being transparent about their motives for doing this .

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