Is it possible to create a report from a contact record like this?

Hi there,

I would like to create a report with two things:

  1. Items ordered.
  2. The link clicked from the email where the customer ordered.

The information is contained in the contact record when I view it. I can see the item under the Orders tab and I can see the email where they clicked an offer email.

It’s not the last email clicked - they received a couple confirmation emails - and may have clicked those immediately after ordering.

Is this the kind of information (#1 and #2) that can be extracted with a custom report?

Any developers who know how to do this?

Thanks for the info!

Hi, @Julie_Hood,

Yes, but it might not be available through the REST api. There are ways to track the link click directly on each order but it would take some coding to do. The items ordered would similarly be readable via the orderitems table which is associated with the order from the Job table.

Thanks John for this info. Do you guys do programming? If so, can we set up a time to chat? Thanks! Julie