Infusionsoft API authorization

Hi, I am trying authorize application by hitting to URL: “<client_Id>&client_secret=<client_secret>&response_type=code&scope=full&redirect_uri=
from internet browser.

a screen prompting allow OR deny pop-ups with message ‘Invalid Client’ and upon hitting ‘Allow’ page is redirected to redirect URL with URL parameters “state=&error=access_denied&”

Not sure what’s issue here.

Please help!

Invalid client means that your client id/secret have not yet been authorized or you did not provide a client id/secret to the process at all. Have you been to to setup a developer account to get your client credentials and are they showing as ‘active’?

Hi @harshgosar, I would first double check that your developer account is active and not in a pending state. If this is your first developer account it should have been automatically activated but if it’s your second it will need to be approved.

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Also, (just how it’s worded here), but it almost sounds like it’s just not getting passed the credentials at all? Might this be the case? I have a video on the process. Maybe it will help:

You may be submitting too much data in your request. The fields you are expected to send are:

  • client_id
  • redirect_uri
  • response_type (must be “code”)
  • scope (must be “full”)

You don’t need to send your secret in the authorization URI (and shouldn’t anyway, as that exposes it to unauthorized parties and makes it ‘not secret’). I’ve seen the REST API throw various errors if the queries are not perfect. Give this a try and see if it works.

It shows as waiting. How do I get is activated?

@MichaelFairchild are you one that could check for @harshgosar?

Best way is to submit a support ticket about it with the actual key that is needing to be activated