I need more order details, how I can get that?

I need more order details, how I can get that? Like quantity, number of credits, etc.

current I am getting only
PayStatus, InvoiceTotal,Id,ContactId,JobId

with following code.

app = new iSDK;
$invoiceId = $_GET[‘orderId’];;


$qry = array(‘JobId’ => $invoiceId);
$rets = array(‘Id’);
$cards = $app->dsQuery(“Invoice”, 100, 0, $qry, $rets);
$returnFields = array(‘Id’, ‘ContactId’, ‘JobId’,‘PayStatus’,‘InvoiceTotal’);
$invoiceDetails = $app->dsLoad(“Invoice”, $invoiceId, $returnFields);

Query the InvoiceItem table:

Also, the order table is called ‘Job’ so you’ll actually want to get more information from that:

in which table I can get the details about Quantity of the product or item in the order?

You need the “OrderItem” table.
