How to find product options sold with actually product from order form


I have an order-form in which I have a main product plus I have two additional options for users to choose. This is the link for my order form
I have two options for users “Automated/Evergreen Functionality add on” And “Facebook Live integration”. Both these fields are optional.

I want to know user have bought any options or not, if bought then which one through php sdk.


Currently, product options are only currently reported in the order itself, and fulfillment reports.

(see help article note: Product Options | Max Classic)

This is something that our development team has been looking to enhance, but currently, in the order, and in fulfillment reports are the current ways to report on this.

I would like to encourage you to share some product feedback with us on this. Even though our developers look into this, feedback volume from customers will always affect the priority of features/updates that we are constantly working on. I would like to invite you to share feedback with our product team @