How to add fields from one contact into an email with another?

We have two types of contacts in Infusionsoft and our business is to make introductions between the two based on interest. I’m trying to find a way to automate the sharing of information between contacts. For example, I broadcast out a list of blinded descriptors with the Infusionsoft ID and have them send back the ID they are interested in (perhaps in a webform) with an NDA. How do I then take that ID to put an unblinded field of information from the main contact and email it to another?

That would be a difficult one because IS doesn’t really track relationships between contacts. There is a linked contact field to show relationship with another but there is nothing actionable about that field so it doesn’t help “do” anything just identifies the details. Now, with the api it might be possible to trigger some action based on that relationship but out of the box there just isn’t a mechanism to do so.

You could probably use the Infusionsoft Referral Partner module to automate some of what you’re trying to accomplish here. It allows the linking of contacts and you can also merge referral partner details into emails getting sent to the original contact.

I might start there.

Great, I’ll look into that. Thanks!