How to add an Unsubscribe link to an HTML email in Campaign Builder?

The situation is this. A client has sent us an HTML edited newsletter that we want to send out in Infusionsoft. However, they have included Mailchimp tags for the opt-out at the bottom of the newsletter.

I would like to simply replace the link with a link to my Infusionsoft opt-out page, however I can find no such link or advice on how to find it in Infusionsoft’s help centre.

The closest they have is information about custom opt-out pages for Legacy users, but this method states it is not compatible with Campaign Builder and does not provide a URL I can add to the HTML of my client’s newsletter. You can see this help section here:

I had considered simply clicking the URL of an unsubscribe button in a previous campaign and adding that to the bottom of my HTML newsletter, but these URLs are campaign specific, so I can’t be sure that they will work as expected when I use them in this new campaign with an HTML newsletter.

There must be an easier way to do this.

Any help would be much appreciated!

I need help with this exact issue! Is there anyone who can help answer this??


My understanding is you wish to add an unsubscribe link to a campaign email built in HTML.

Below is one way to add an unsubscribe link to an HTML email built in Keap’s Campaign builder:

A. Navigate to ‘Marketing → Templates’ and :

B. Click to add a new email template:

C. Choose ‘Use Code Builder’ under ‘Edit Email Body’:

D. Click anywhere within the code builder to insert the cursor, then click ‘Merge → Links’ from the menu:

E. Click ‘[Insert]’ next to the ‘Default Opt-Out (Default)’ link option to insert this link into the template:

F. Copy the ‘Default Opt-Out (Default)’ code from the template:

G. Navigate to Keap’s Campaign builder, and insert the code into your HTML email:

H. When your email is sent, Keap’s unsubscribe link will be inserted.

It’s worth noting the following merge code can also be added into HTML emails built in Campaign builder: ~Company.HTMLCanSpamAddressBlock~, if needed.