Email button leading to a landing page

Hello there,

I am a new IS user, so I would appreciate if somebody could help me and explain how a few things work.

First of all, I am creating a newsletter campaign including a call to action in every e-mail: one is to schedule a meeting and another one is request a callback. After a button “request a call back” is clicked, I want to get my client to a landing page where it says that we’ll contact him/her soon. Then a task to call him/her back is created.

The sequence is like that: an email----" request a call back" button------ “success” landing page----task created

The problem is that I can’t locate this exact landing page I created (already published) when I try to associate my “request a call back” button with a landing page. I wonder whether an URL of this landing page work the same?

Or is it a better way to do what I want to do?

Thanks in advance!

Yes… Url is enough…paste and test it…


Hi Aurelija,

If you’re talking about an Infusionsoft Landing page that you created and can no longer find, if it’s not in the drop-down then it probably didn’t save or has been deleted, in which case a URL might not work. You’d be best off creating another landing page and linking it up again.

If you have a website, you can create a landing page there and link to it using a URL. A lot of people like the slick Infusionsoft landing pages though. :slight_smile:



Thank you!