Create tag with rest api

NOTE: Never mind I got it to work finally with the first JSON structure, now I need to determine what I changed to get it to work.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am attempting to create a tag with the rest api and I keep getting message(400 Bad Request).

I have tried these two formats for the json:!/Tags/createTagUsingPOST
“category”: {
“id”: 152
“description”: “Contact from installation request form submitted in Jun2018”,
“name”: “IRFJUN2018”
“category”: {
“id”: “”,
“name”: “”
“description”: “Contact from installation request form submitted in Jun2018”,
“name”: “IRFJUN2018”


It’s hard to tell from forum formatting, but if you are on a Mac or pasting from Word, occasionally the double-quotes get formatted incorrectly:

“ ”   " "
‘ ’   ' '