Booking/Calendar System with Infusionsoft integration?

Hello! We have used Appointmentcore for client bookings for years. I love that it updates Infusionsoft contact records, applies tags, accepts payments, etc.

However, we have recently had some technical issues that they have been unable to resolve. As I begin researching new systems, (Scheduleonce, etc) I am curious, what booking system do you use that integrates with your Infusionsoft account?

Thank you!

@Joanna_3B, we exclusively use ScheduleOnce for our businesses and for all our clients. Their prices are competitive and include the integration in the low price. Their customer support is phenomenal and they are constantly developing the product.


We moved from Appointment Core to Schedule Once!

It’s alot of system for a Scheduling App - But I LOVE IT!

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And I agree about the support - They too, are absolutely amazing!

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