Appending Daily Emails to a campaign & sending to list

I am writing daily emails… to a growing email list… and every time I add someone to the list I want them to get all of the emails. Pretty simple right ? so I put all the emails in a campaign and figured as a I append additional emails onto the campaign then all the original folks would get those emails… but they aren’t … What am I doing wrong ? I just want to write a string of emails and add on to them everyday… with new subscribers starting at email #1 and any old subscribers getting the new email that was written that day.


You need to add a 1 Day delay after the series of emails. So, each day you will add an email and a 1 day delay. The delay ‘holds’ the existing people in the campaign, waiting for 1 day to then trigger whatever the next step is. If you don’t have the 1 day delay in there, the contact ‘finish’ the sequence and won’t move any farther along.


I had the one-day delay in there already… but for some reason it is not sending emails to the old people

What would you like to send?
Let’s assume you started your daily emails on Oct 1.

If Joe enters your database today, are you trying to send him the email for Oct 8 tomorrow, or are you putting Joe at the start of the sequence and sending him the email from Oct 1 tomorrow?


the emails from october first… the new people added to my list are not the problem. It’s the old people getting the new emails once appended to the campaign. For some reason they are not queued and sent. I put in a one-day delay timer, then write the next email, and then click publish. None of the contacts that went through the campaign now get the new email… it’s as if the campaign ended for them.


Watch this and see if it helps.
