Adding this again no answers. My Day tab Need some help

I have 3 Items that I do every Day. Cold Call, Phone Call and Email. Tasks are easy for Phone Calls and Emails, all I do is right mouse on customer name and open in new tab and complete the task.

The challenge I am having is the Cold Call. If I run a export I have only a few fields to choose from missing are address and phone number at the very least. Hard to go cold calling without an address

From the “My Day” “Export” how do I modify the fields. The person who set up the original system is no longer with the with the company and was never a sales person. I am at a loss as to what to do. Forrest 360-726-7405


@Forrest_Yocom, If you click on a task in MyDay, it shows the contact record details. You can modify what is shown by clicking on the gear icon and selecting what fields to display. Does that help at all?

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What I see on the screen isn’t important during cold calling great when phone calling or emailing. I need to take an excel spreadsheet with me to a targeted zip code and walk in the doors of potential and quoted customers. What I have right now that is exportable is the following. Not set up well for us that are outside sales.


Thanks for your help in advance Martin